Mann Library Instruction Program

Mann Library’s instruction program leverages staff expertise in information and data literacies, digital technology and the information and publishing ecosystem to help advance relevant learning outcomes established by Cornell University’s college curriculum committees. We are actively working to equip undergraduate students with the information skills needed to be responsible digital citizens.

Mann librarians have organized our instruction program around seven learning outcomes (see box below). These include helping students to better understand how information is created and disseminated. We also seek to assist students in knowing how to evaluate information and increasing their awareness of inherent bias.

Options for how that content can be delivered are highlighted on this page. Our menu of instruction options also outlines how specific skills and concepts related to learning outcomes can be incorporated into a guest lecture from a Mann staff member. The tabs in this guide highlight a range of resources that can be used in your classes or uploaded to CANVAS for asynchronous use by your students.

If you have questions about the instruction program or any of the resources in this guide, please address them to:


Mann Student Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome 1

Students will be able to describe the strengths, limitations and biases of different information types (e.g., government statistics, archival materials, community surveys, empirical research articles, trade journals, websites, market data, etc.) and be able to select those most suitable for their question or need.

Learning Outcome 2

Students will be able to explain how economic, cultural, and political factors influence the production and preservation of information, and marginalize the perspectives, histories, and research of certain communities.

Learning Outcome 3

Students will be able to identify system components used in the discovery of information (e.g. metadata, filters, data indexes, readme files, thesauri, etc.) and utilize this knowledge to find content most relevant to their needs.

Learning Outcome 4

Students will be able to articulate how the automation and embedded biases of algorithms lead to personalization, sorting and discrimination. 

Learning Outcome 5

Students will be able to apply the definitions of credibility and contextual authority when evaluating content, sources, claims, or evidence and utilize techniques like lateral reading and upstream searching to verify accuracy and trustworthiness.

Learning Outcome 6

Students will be able to articulate how data and knowledge evolves with each review, analysis or manipulation and be able to draw appropriate conclusions based on the strengths and limitations of each iteration.

Learning Outcome 7

Students will be able to understand the ethical obligation and appropriate mechanisms for including attributions when creating new forms of scholarship (e.g. research papers, podcasts, short films, data visualizations, proposals, posters, etc.).

Information and Digital Literacy Instruction Options

In-Person Instruction

  • Librarians will provide instruction for your students in your classroom or in the library computer lab (if available)
  • Library computer lab accommodates 36 students with a computer for each student
  • Hands-on activities can be incorporated into the instruction session

Uploading Learning Materials to CANVAS

  • Power Point and LibWizard tutorials, videos, infographics and other stand alone learning objects are available on this guide and can be uploaded to your course site or incorporated into your lesson plans.
  • Some tutorials have built-in quizzes to assess comprehension.
  • Tutorials can be assigned to students without involvement of librarians allowing for increased flexibility.
  • Librarians can also partner with you to assess student learning and/or to provide follow up assistance.

Synchronous Instruction via Zoom

  • Librarians can be invited to your class via Zoom to deliver instruction by sharing screens and demonstrating skills.
  • Chat option allows for questions and answers.
  • Break out rooms provide an option for small group discussion.
  • Students could complete an activity or tutorial prior to session. 

Library Guides (Research Guides)