How to use this guide
Welcome to the online portal for students in the Executive Master of Human Resource Management program to learn about and access the world-renowned Catherwood Library, regarded as one of the best libraries in the world that covers the specialized topics of Labor and Human Resources.
Use this guide to get an orientation to the resources and services that are available to you. Once you are familiar with these topics, you can use the other guides in this series (see below) to conduct research needed for classes.
Brief Video Greeting/Welcome
This guide contains resources and links for Cornell students enrolled in the Executive Master of Human Resource Management.
Use the tabs to navigate.
If you have any questions, use the contact information in the profile box to the right to ask me a question by phone or email. If you need immediate help and it is during a residency week, feel free to call, email, or setup a time to talk over Zoom.
EMHRM Liaison Librarian

Lecturer, Human Resources Studies
ILR School
239-A Ives Hall
Check out my Zombie Survival Guide!