
Finding Books in the Library Catalog

The main search box on the Library home page will retrieve material from several different sources: the CU Library catalog, article databases, and library web sites. Clicking on a link below the search box (Catalog, etc.) will limit your searches to that particular source.


Image: Cornell University Library home page search box


The Cornell Library Catalog includes the holdings of all Ithaca campus libraries. The catalog contains records for books, computer files, government documents, manuscripts and archives, maps, musical scores, periodicals, serials, sound recordings, and visual materials.


Image: catalog option from CUL home page search box


To search only the Library catalog, click on the catalog link-- the first link under the search bar.


Image: screen shot from Cornell University Library catalog


The "All Fields" search will retrieve matches for your search terms wherever they appear in the description of an item, but you may use the pulldown menu to limit to title, author, subject, publisher, or call number.

The Cornell University Library uses Library of Congress Subject Headings as the standard for subject searching. Limit your search to Subject to retrieve items that contain your terms as part of their LC heading.


Screen shot of Cornell University Library catalog with Subject search highlighted


If you find one book relevant to your subject, you can identify others by clicking on the subject heading in the record for that book.


Screen shot of Cornell University Library catalog with subject headings highlighted


Clicking on the last facet of the subject heading will retrieve additional books related to the subject.

Interactive Stacks Maps

Use the interactive stacks maps on the Olin & Uris Building Maps and Study Spaces page or on the Kroch Asia stacks map to locate your book, or use the posted maps available by the elevators and on each floor.