APA Citations

The American Psychological Association (APA) style guide is commonly used in academic writing. The tools listed below provide examples on how to cite common sources like newspaper articles, journal articles, and books.

Cite twice! Once in the text of your writing and another in a list of references at the end of your work.

In text citation example:

Llamas affinity for peppermint lollipops as opposed to cinnamon is well documented (Perkins & Fowler, 1985).


According to Perkins and Fowler (1985), llamas prefer peppermint lollipops over cinnamon at a rate of 5 to 1.

Reference list example:

Perkins, Ml & Fowler, J. (1985). Sweet Teeth: Llamas Confectionery Preferences and Implications for Veterinary Dental Practices. Camelidae Quarterly, 43(2), 19-27. http://www.wildkingdom.com/newseries 

Sources for Additional Examples:

Manage Sources

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