Citation Management
- American Sociological Association Style guide byCall Number: Olin Library Reference (Non-Circulating) HM73 .A54 20145th edition. Shelved at the Reference desk.
- Formatting in Sociology (ASA Style)Purdue Online Writing Lab
Bibliographic Software:
Zotero is a powerful, easy-to-use research tool that helps you gather, organize, and analyze citations and sources such as pdfs and Web sites, and then share the results of your research.
It's open source and free.
EndNote allows you to build your own database of bibliographic references from a variety of resources, including library catalogs and periodical indexes. EndNote interfaces with several standard word processing programs and provides direct connections to resources, making it easy to import references and incorporate them in your writing.
Zotero or EndNote is highly recommended for researchers. Workshops are regularly held on campus.