BorrowDirect and ILL

If we don't have a book that you need or if we have the book but it's checked out:

Borrow Direct

Click on the link above, connect to Borrow Direct, search for the book and if it's available from another BorrowDirect partner library, we will have it shipped to Cornell. Borrowing period is one month. Books arrive in 3-4 business days. (This service is for books only).

If we don't own an item that you need (any item--journal article, DVD, dissertation, etc.):

Interlibrary Loan Service

If Cornell Library does not have an item you need, use our interlibrary loan service to request that we borrow materials from other libraries. Loan period is usually one month. Items can arrive in as little as a few days to a couple of weeks.


We invite you to check with the reference staff if you are having trouble finding a particular book or journal. We can help!