Reference Sources for Native American Writers

Native American Writers of the United States edited by Kenneth M. Roemer. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, c1997. (Dictionary of Literary Biography) Uris Reference PS129 D55 v.175, Dean Room, south wall

Dictionary of Native American Literature. Edited by Andrew Wiget. New York: Garland Pub., 1994. (Olin Reference Z 1229 I52 D55)

Native North American Literature : Biographical and Critical Information on Native Writers and Orators from the United States and Canada from Historical Times to the Present.. Janet Witalec, ed. Detroit : Gale Research, 1994. (Olin Reference + PS 508 I5 N27 1994)
Organized in two parts -- oral literature and written literature -- this volume compiles extracts from works of approximately a hundred Native American orators and writers, from Tecumseh to Louise Erdrich. Each entry also quotes from contemporary reviews and criticism on the author's work. An excellent source in particular for contemporary authors. Includes biographical sketches, brief essays evaluating each author's work, and some bibliography. Several useful indexes analyze the contents by tribe and genre. There is also a title index of works mentioned.

Juricek, Kay. Contemporary Native American Authors: a Biographical Dictionary. Golden, Colo : North American Press, 1997. (Olin Reference PS153.I52 J87x 1997)
Alphabetically arranged; each entry notes tribal affiliation, selected publications, birth date, and short biography. Includes a bibliography on contemporary Native American writing.

Ruoff, A. LaVonne Brown. American Indian Literatures: an Introduction, Bibliographic Review, and Selected Bibliography. New York, NY : Modern Language Association of America, 1990. (Olin Reference Z1229 I52 R94)

Whitson, Kathy J.Native American Literatures : an Encyclopedia of Works, Characters, Authors, and Themes. Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c1999. Olin stacks PS 153 I52 W47x 1999
Provides basic information about the authors, works, and themes integral to Native American letters, emphasizing the many different native American cultures that influence this diverse body of ethnic literature. Most entries cover literature written during the 20th century. Illustrated. Cross-referenced.

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