Selected Books About Mandela
Mandela: The Authorized Biography by
Call Number: Africana Library 974 .S26x 1999The life of Nelson Mandela is one of the most extraordinary epics of the twentieth century. An almost-forgotten prisoner on Robben Island twenty years ago, apparently doomed to a helpless existence as a victim of apartheid, he not only survived but almost single-handedly saved South Africa from potential chaos, to become one of the most widely admired leaders in the world.Mandela: A Biography by
Call Number: Africana Library DT1974 .M474 2010Nelson Mandela stands out as one of the most admired political figures of the twentieth century. It was his leadership and moral courage above all that helped to deliver a peaceful end to apartheid in South Africa after years of racial division and violence and to establish a fledgling democracy there. Meredith has revisited and significantly updated his biography to incorporate a decade of additional perspective and hindsight on the man and his legacy and to examine how far his hopes for the new South Africa have been realised.Higher Than Hope: The Authorized biography of Nelson Mandela by
Call Number: Africana Library DT1949.M27 M49 1990An authorized, up-to-date biography written by a family friend and fellow activist. This is a dramatic and intimate biography, which draws on letters and reminiscences from Mandela himself and from his close family. Meer presents a picture of an ordinary man who sacrificed his personal life and a promising career as an attorney to become a symbol of a cause.Nelson Mandela: The Man and the Movement by
Call Number: Africana Library DT779.95.M26 B47Nelson Mandela was the embodiment of the struggle for liberation in South Africa and the symbol of its triumph. In this biography, the author describes Mandela's life, work and ideas from his childhood in the royal family of the Thembu people to his membership of the African National Congress, including the many years in captivity on Robben Island and the birth of the hope that came with his release. Benson also provides a detailed biography with great amounts of background material that ends before the civil rights leader was released from detention.Madiba A to Z: The Many Faces of Nelson Mandela by
Call Number: Africana Library DT1974 .S35 201316 years went into the making of the forthcoming feature film Long Walk To Freedom, a fictionalized biopic based on Mandela's bestselling autobiography. Danny Schechter, (Cornell '61) who has spent 40 years getting to know Mandela, was asked to make a non-fiction documentary about the filmed biopic. This unique title complements the feature, the documentary, and Mandela's life itself. Madiba A to Z was born out of in-depth research, interviews and informal meetings with Mandela himself and the people who knew, loved, admired or fought with the man.
Selected Films on Mandela
The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela
Call Number: Africana Library Videodisc 641Frontline presents the story of the man behind the myth, probing Mandela's character, leadership, and life's method through intimate recollections with friends, political allies, adversaries, and his fellow prisoners and jailers on Robben Island, where Mandela spent 18 of his 27 prison years, transforming himself in prison from an impetuous, risk-taking radical into a mature leader and statesman.Nelson Mandela: The Life and Times
Call Number: Africana Library Videodisc 657Profiles the life of South African president and Nobel Prize winner, Nelson Mandela. From his childhood to his isolated days as a political prisoner, his eventual release after 27 years, and his triumphant election in 1994 as South Africa's first post-apartheid president, in a stirring film biography.Mandela: The Living Legend
Call Number: Africana Library Videodisc 31Against the backdrop of another busy day for Nelson Mandela, this program traces his biography up to the point when he was convicted of treason and began serving a life sentence in a South African prison. Among many exclusive interviews are Walter Sisulu, the colleague and African National Congress leader who spotted Mandela's tremendous potential.Mandela: An Unauthorized Story on Nelson Mandela: One Man
Call Number: Africana Library Videodisc 686Nelson Mandela is a shining example of what one man can do to change the world. Born into an oppressive regime, he fought to overcome prejudice and hate to unify a nation. Nelson Mandela's dedication resulted in his inauguration as the first black President of South Africa, [and] his award of the Nobel Peace Prize and ultimately, his role in overthrowing the Apartheid regime.Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom
Call Number: Law Library Popular Reading Area Videodisc 196Based on South African President Nelson Mandela's autobiography of the same name, it chronicles his early life, coming of age, education and 27 years in prison before becoming President and working to rebuild the country's once segregated society.