Articles and Full Text
What Articles & Full-Text Searches
The Articles & Full-Text search box uses EBSCO Discovery Service to search approximately 800 million items, including but not limited to:
- scholarly journal articles
- newspaper articles
- ebooks
- audio files
- video files
It draws from many full-text and article-indexing databases as well as digital repositories from colleges, universities, research centers, and other open-access archives on the web.
Keep in Mind
- EBSCO Discovery Service searches many but not all library resources.
- Comprehensive or targeted searches should be done in subject-specific databases.
- The library catalog is not indexed in EBSCO Discovery Service. Use the Library Catalog to search for print books and other physical items that are not included in EBSCO Discovery Service search results.
Note that these are NOT the only databases Cornell has. You can also select another, more appropriate database to search from the Databases subject browsing page. For targeted searches, it is best to search databases individually.
If you are unsure which databases to search, ask a librarian!
Please note that the databases available in the Databases collection represent only a fraction of the online resources available at Cornell. To access all of the Cornell materials, both in the online and the print formats, search the Library Catalog.
System Messages or Errors
If you experience problems with databases, please fill out a Library Feedback form to notify library staff.
Searching by DOI
To search by DOI from the Library website, construct your search using the following format: "DOI:(XXXXXX)", e.g. DOI:(10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.05.006).