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Data Research for Labor Economics: Data Sources

Using ICPSR to find data

ICPSR has offers a searchable interface and offers list of studies and a bibliography of publications that have used the data that match the subject.

Screenshot of the ICPSR website. Text at the top reads "Finding related studies and publications: University of Michigan ICPSR."

Other sources to find data

While you are exploring what data is out there, consider other places to look beyond the academic literature, such as:

  • Annual Reports
  • Data visualizations
  • News feeds

Government Data Sources

Here's a list of sources for labor economics-related data from the federal government. (This is not an exhaustive list.)

International Data Sources

State and Municipal Data Sources

Many states and municipalities provide publicly-accessible data repositories for the data they are required to make available to the public (and then occasionally some other data sets.) A few are listed below, and you can often locate data for a specific state or municipality by searching for the state or city name + "data."

NYC Open Data is one of the most robust examples of an open municipal data source. (You can also find some of these data sets through the NYS portal and, but this is the most comprehensive site.) Below is a link to the NYC Open Data portal, along with an article from April 2020 that discusses how publicly available trash pickup data from the Department of Sanitation could be used as a predictor to figure out which neighborhoods had the most people leave the city during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.