Using Zoom for Reference Appointments
Before your librarian arrives for your Zoom meeting, you may see a screen that instructs you to wait for the librarian to start your meeting.
Once your librarian arrives you will automatically be moved to the meeting Home Screen. Depending on your meeting, this may show a blank screen, if nobody has video enabled, your librarian's shared screen, or your librarian's webcam.
The most important part of this screen is the black bar along the bottom, the Zoom Toolbar. The toolbar may disappear after you have not moved your mouse for a while but it will reappear when you move the cursor again.
If you need to share your screen so that your librarian can see what you are working on, you can click the Share Screen button. You can share your entire screen or an individual window. The librarian may also share their screen with you.
If you are unable ot use audio, you can also use the chat feature to chat with the librarian during your meeting.
When your meeting is over, you can leave the Zoom application.
Contact Us

Martin P. Catherwood Library
Ives Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-3901