Selected Online Encyclopedias (Cornell Users Only)
Encyclopedias are great for, choosing a topic, educating yourself quickly, gaining perspective on a topic, finding variant spellings, vocabulary, terminology and locating a bibliography.
- Oxford African American Studies CenterThe core content includes: Africana: the Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience, Second Edition; the Encyclopedia of African American History, 1619-1895; the Encyclopedia of African American History, 1896 to the Present; Black Women in America, Second Edition; African American National Biography.
- Gale Virtual Reference LibraryProvides searchable full-text e-book versions of many reference works, including multi-volume encyclopedias, biographical collections, business plan handbooks, company history compilations, consumer health references, and specialized handbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. in a wide range of subject areas.
- Sage referenceA database of reference books published by SAGE covering the social sciences and education, including such areas as African American studies.
Selected Subject Encyclopedias
- Encyclopedia of The Harlem Renaissance byCall Number: Africana Library Reference PS153.N5 A24x 2003Contains approximately 370 alphabetically arranged entries covering the emergence of new ideas in literature, political thought, civil rights, racial pride, and the arts during New York City's Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s and 1930s.
- Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance byCall Number: Africana Library Reference PS153.N5 A24 2004The Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance, in two volumes and over 635 entries, is the first comprehensive compilation of information on all aspects of this creative, dynamic period. In order to fully understand the movement and its achievements, the Encyclopedia examines not only the cultural and artistic accomplishments of the time but also the political, social, and economic climate.
- The Harlem Renaissance: A Gale Critical Companion byCall Number: Africana Library Reference PS153.N5 H245x 2003This title includes entries on the major topics, authors and works of the period complete with reprinted full-text literary criticism. Volume 1 features an introduction and a descriptive chronology of events and entries on five major topics related to the movement. Volumes 2 and 3 include 33 entries on the major literary figures and their works from the period. These entries include a biographical/critical introduction, a complete bibliography of the author's works and full-text reprinted criticism about the author or individual works. The set also includes author, title and subject indexes
- Harlem Renaissance: A Historical Dictionary for the Era byCall Number: Africana Library Reference NX511.N4 H28This historical dictionary includes, in A-Z arrangement, brief biographies of literary figures, theater personalities and musicians; book synopses, descriptions of newspapers, periodicals, and musical comedies; citations to groups and other topics...pertinent to the Harlem Renaissance (1917-1935).
- Afro-American Writers from the Harlem Renaissance to 1940 byCall Number: Africana Library Reference PS153.N5 A39This volume-one of six DLB volumes discussing African-American writers-represents a peak period in African-American literary activity sometimes called the Harlem Renaissance or New Negro era.