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In most cases (except for textbooks), the Cornell Library has online journals, newspapers, magazines, ebooks and print books, or can get them for you at no charge to you! Access Anywhere can help you find it at Cornell, or Ask a Librarian.


Davis Memorial Wikimedia Commons
Jefferson Davis memorial after the removal of the Davis statue

Library Tutorials -- Teach Yourself!

Library Tutorials The tutorials linked below will give you the basic knowledge you'll need to effectively navigate the Cornell Library web site and the skills that will enable you to find the information you need for your assignments:

How to Navigate the Library Home Page

How to Use Search Terms

Using Wikipedia to Start Your Research -- But Not End There!

Using Passkey to Access Remote Resources

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Martha Walker
Mui Ho Fine Arts Library
308 Rand Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
(607) 255-6719
Subjects: Architecture