Historical Statistics
International Historical Statistics : Europe 1750-2005 by
Publication Date: 2007Print title.
Provides key economic and social indicators for European countries over the last 255 years, serving as an essential reference source.Statistical Sources for Social Research on Western Europe, 1945-1995 by
Call Number: Online; and Olin Library stacks, HA 1107 .R68x 1998Publication Date: 1998
South-Eastern European Monetary and Economic Statistics from the Nineteenth Century to World War II
A complete dataset is presented for each country, covering 6 broad groups of indicators: (1) monetary variables, (2) interest rates, (3) exchange rates, (4) government finances, (5) prices, production and labor, and (6) national accounts and population. Covers Albania, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia/Yugoslavia, and Turkey.
McCarthy, Justin. The Arab world, Turkey, and the Balkans (1878-1914) : a handbook of historical statistics. Boston, MA : G.K. Hall, c1982. (Firestone Noncirculating) HA4556 .M35 1982 and RECAP
Labbé, Morgane. La Nationalité, Une Histoire De Chiffres: Politique Et Statistiques En Europe Centrale (1848-1919). Paris: SciencesPo, les presses, 2019. Olin Library DAW1028.P64 L33 2019
State, economy, and society in Western Europe 1815-1975 by
Call Number: Olin Library Reference, D363 .S79Publication Date: 1983A data handbook in two volumes:
volume. 1. The growth of mass democracies and welfare states
volume. 2. The growth of Industrial societies and capitalist economics.
Historical statistics for selected countries
- La France en chiffres de 1870 à nos jours byPublication Date: [2015]Print title.
"Tout ce que fous avez toujours voulu savoir sur la France sans jamais avoir osé le demander."
More Internet Resources
- EIU.com -- Economist Intelligence UnitGo to EIU ViewPoint. Then select Geography. Country Reports provide in-depth analysis and forecasts for an individual country's economy and political situation. The service comprises a regular forecast report (monthly for most countries, quarterly for smaller economies) that provides a point-in-time outlook for issues such as economic growth, economic policy, inflation, exchange rates, political stability and effectiveness, elections and international relations.
- Eurodata Research ArchiveMannheim (Germany) University Center for European Studies.
- A Guide to International and US Statistics SourcesOlin/Uris Library guide to finding social science statistical information by resource and topic.
Historical Statistics (by country)
- Print title. Historická statistická roc̆enka C̆SSR; Bratislava : ALFA, Vydavatel?stvo technickej a ekonomickej literatu´ry, 1985.
- Statistisk Årbog (Denmark) (1896 -, in Danish); Statistical Yearbook (2000 - 2017, in English)
- histat: Historical Statistics
Historical statistics on Germany on a wide variety of topics. Free registration is required.
- Hagskinna : so¨gulegar hagto¨lur um I´sland = Icelandic historical statistics. Reykjavi´k : Hagstofa I´slands, 1997. Print title. Housed in the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections (RMC). Non-circulating.
- Sommariodi statistichestoriche dell’Italia, 1861-1975.
- Annuario statistico Italiano See also: Print volumes, and digitized volumes, Annuario statistico Italiano.
- Historical Statistics. Statistics Norway. (1828+) (compilations and individual years)
- Portuguese Historical Statistics. Lisboa: Instituto Nacional de Estatistica, 2001. (generally covers 1864-1998)
- Anuário estatístico de Portugal / Statistical Yearbook of Portugal. 1990-2007 (missing 1993). Print title.
- PORDATA: Base de Dados Portugal Contemporâneo. Starts with 12 themes: population; health; education; social protection; employment and labor market; enterprises and personnel; family income and expenditure; housing and comfort; justice; culture; national accounts; and government accounts. Data potentially back to 1960 and for some areas subnational.
- Statistical Yearbook of Spain. (not a compilation but all yearbooks back to 1858)
- Estadi´sticas histo´ricas de Espan~a : siglos XIX-XX. Bilbao : Fundacio´n BBVA, 2005. Covers 19th and 20th centuries in Spain. Print title.
- Historical Statistics.org. Some series dating back to 1260. Includes prices, wages, exchange rates, money supply, interest and stock returns, state loans, national accounts, and population for Sweden.
- Bevölkerungsstatistik Schwedens 1750-1900. Print title. Digitized edition (HathiTrust) is also available.
- Sweden: historical and statistical handbook. 1898-1914. Print title. Digitized edition (Internet Archive)
- Statistical Yearbook of Sweden. (various years)
- Historical statistics of Switzerland. Zurich : Chronos, c1996. Print title.
- Historical statistics of Switzerland online. See the Working Paper for background on this project.
United Kingdom
- Three centuries of UK macroeconomic data
Contains a broad set of historical data covering the UK national accounts and other financial and macroeconomic data stretching back in some cases to the late 17th century. - Mitchell, B.R. British Historical Statistics: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Print title.
- Print title. Williams, L. J. Digest of Welsh historical statistics, 1974-1996. [Cardiff] : Government Statistical Service, 1998. Print title. See also: UKDS : Digest of Welsh Historical Statistics : Population, 1570-1974