Selected Engineering Databases
This is a list of selected databases that index scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed journals, technical reports, and conference proceedings, in engineering, science, and technology.
Some databases provide access to complete documents (full-text), whereas others offer citations and/or abstracts only but often have direct links to full-text articles within Cornell's subscribed content.
Engineering Village
Search through over 20 million indexed records of scholarly literature, including preprints, on applied engineering and physical science
IEEE Xplore
Find full-text access to journal and magazine articles, IEEE standards, and conference proceedings in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics
Web of Science
Search the multidisciplinary, indexed records of literature across the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities
Search the largest, multidisciplinary citation database of research literature covering science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities
Search geoscience literature, including scholarly articles, books, maps, and government reports, in subject areas like geophysics, hydrology, and marine geology and oceanography.
Find access to e-books and scientific documents from journals, protocols, and conference proceedings in computer science, earth sciences, engineering, economics, and many more
Google Scholar
Search scholarly materials across all disciplines
For all engineering databases, go here.
Engineering e-book libraries
Over 1,600 engineering e-books, including Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook and Schaum's Outlines, online tutorials and DataVis, and case studies map to ABET learning outcomes
AccessScience from McGraw-Hill
Scholarly articles as well as text and video biographies of well-known scientists, image and video animations, curriculum maps, and McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms
Over 2,000 reference e-books in all fields of engineering, including interactive tables, equation plotters, graph digitizers, and ability to export to Excel spreadsheets, and large database of materials property data
O'Reilly online learning (Safari e-books)
Collection of e-books and videos on computer programming, user manuals, business and management topics
Skillsoft percipio
E-books and video courses on information technology topics, including networking, programming, languages, and desktop applications
Access to over 65,000 e-books as well as to journals, book series, e-references, and protocols
Synthesis collection of technology
Over 400 short books on artificial intelligence, communication networks, electrical engineering, informatics, synthetic biology, and life sciences; each book synthesizes an important research or development topic, authored by a prominent contributor to the field
Link Cornell University Library to Google Scholar
To link Google Scholar to the Cornell University Library's collection, configure the Google Scholar settings.
- Go to Google Scholar. On the top left, click on the three horizontal lines.
- Choose Settings at the bottom of the list.
- Go to Library links menu on the left, search for Cornell, check the box next to Cornell University - Get it! Cornell, and press the Save button.