Resources for Finding Reviews
See Also: Book Reviews: A Finding Guide
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI)A component of Web of Science -- AHCI offers multidisciplinary journal coverage of the arts & humanities. It can also be searched by cited references to specific works that appear in article bibliographies. Coverage range is1975 - date. From the main Web of Science search screen, select More Settings, and uncheck all but the AHCI checkbox.
- Book Review IndexCall Number: Olin Library Reference and Library Annex Oversize Z1219 .B721 +,Detroit: Gale.
Covers 1965 to 2009. Five-year cumulated indexes ease searching. Indexes reviews of books and periodicals appearing in over 500 scholarly, popular, and professional periodicals. Titles reviewed include children's, young adult, and reference books. Each record includes: author and title of the work being reviewed, journal title abbreviation, date of review, page number, and an indication of the length of the review. Abbreviations and full journal titles are listed in the front of each volume.
- Book Review Digest PlusBook Review Digest Plus brings together the data of Book Review Digest, which includes descriptive summaries of books as well as excerpts of book reviews, with all the book review citations and full text of book reviews from eleven other H. W. Wilson indexes. Those indexes are: Applied Science & Technology Index, Art Index, Biological & Agricultural Index, Education Index, General Science Index, Humanities Index, Index to Legal Periodicals & Books, Library Literature & Information Science, Readers Guide to Periodical Literature, Social Sciences Index, and Business Periodicals Index. Covers reviews from 1983 to date.
- Humanities International IndexIndexes articles and books across the arts and humanities disciplines from a multitude of U.S. and international publications. HII also provides citations for original creative works including poems, fiction, photographs, paintings and illustrations. Many links to full text.
- JSTORJSTOR is a fully-searchable database containing the back issues of several hundred scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics, music, ecology and botany, business, and other fields. It includes the following collections: Arts & sciences I, II and III, General science, Ecology and botany, Business, Language and literature.
- Periodicals Index OnlineIndex to thousands of periodicals in the arts, humanities and social sciences across more than 300 years, covering each periodical from its first issue. Every article is indexed. The scope is international, including journals in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and other languages. Previously known as Periodicals Contents Index (PCI).
- ProQuest Research LibraryProQuest Research Library, formerly known as Periodical Abstracts, is a comprehensive database available through the ProQuest online system. It indexes and abstracts general interest magazines and scholarly journals in the social sciences, humanities and sciences. It comprises two components: a core list of periodicals covering about 800 publications, and 15 subject-specific modules that supplement the core list. Modules cover arts, business, children, education, general interest, health, humanities, international studies, law, military, multicultural studies, psychology, sciences, social sciences, and women's interests. Full text of many articles is provided.
- Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982A database containing comprehensive indexing of the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States. Reflects the history of 20th century America. Covers these areas: Aeronautics, African-Americans, Aging, Archeology, Astronomy, Automobiles, Biographies, Business, Children, Education, Environment, Fashion, Film, Fine Arts, Food, Foreign Affairs, Gardening, Health, History, Hobbies, Home, Journalism, Leisure Activities, Literature, Medicine, Music, News, Nutrition, Photography, Politics, Popular Culture, Radio, Religion, Science, Sports, Technology, Television, Travel. The complete database covers the years 1890 through 1982.
- ProQuest One LiteratureFormer name: Literature Online. Offers a full-text collection of poetry, drama, and prose with complementary references sources as well as articles, monographs and dissertations from the Annual bibliography of English language and literature (ABELL); full-text articles from literary journals; and biographical information on widely studied authors.