Some Useful Literary Research Tools
- Oxford English DictionaryCall Number: Print: Olin Reference PE1625 M98The OED presents in alphabetical series the words that have formed the English vocabulary from the time of the earliest records down to the present day, with all the relevant facts concerning their form, sense-history, pronunciation, and etymology.
- Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural TheoryCall Number: Print copy: Olin Reference PN 81 E435 2011Publication Date: Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011Arranged in three volumes covering Literary Theory from 1900 to 1966, Literary Theory from 1966 to the present, and Cultural Theory, this encyclopedia provides accessible entries on the important concepts, theorists and trends in post-1900 literary and cultural theory.
- Cambridge History of Literary CriticismCall Number: Print set: Olin stacks PN86 C17 (6th floor)Publication Date: Cambridge University Press, 1989 - dateContents: v. 1. Classical criticism / edited by George A. Kennedy -- v. 3. The Renaissance / edited by Glyn P. Norton -- v. 4. Eighteenth century / edited by H.B. Nisbet and Claude Rawson -- v. 5. Romanticism / edited by Marshall Brown -- v. 7. Modernism and the new criticism / edited by A. Walton Litz, Louis Menand, and Lawrence Rainey -- v. 8. From formalism to poststructuralism / edited by Raman Selden -- v. 9. Twentieth-century historical, philosophical and psychological perspectives / edited by Christa Knellwolf and Christopher Norris.
- Oxford Dictionary of Literary TermsCall Number: Print copy: Olin Reference PN41 C67 2008Publication Date: Oxford University Press, 2008.Provides explanations of almost twelve hundred terms as well as coverage of traditional drama, rhetoric, literary history, and textual criticism.
Art Reference
- Oxford Art OnlineOxford Art Online enables access and cross-search functionality to Grove and Oxford reference content in one location. Provides access to Grove Art Online, Benezit Dictionary of Artists, The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. Includes image partnerships with ARTstor, the British Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Art Images for College Teaching, Art Resource, Artists Rights Society and numerous international art galleries and artists.
Medieval and British Literature & History
- Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature in BritainCall Number: Olin Reference PR 260 E53 2017Publication Date: Wiley-Blackwell, 20174 volumes. Contains more than 600 scholarly entries spanning key figures, contexts, and influences in the literatures of Great Britain from the fifth century to the sixteenth. Bibliographies accompany each entry.
- Encyclopedia of Medieval LiteratureCall Number: Olin Reference PN669 E53x 1998Publication Date: Greenwood, 1998"A comprehensive guide to medieval literature. While the volume is devoted primarily to the literature of medieval England, its multicultural scope also encompasses Islamic, Mongolian, Celtic, Hispanic, Italian, Russian, and Germanic works. Longer entries treat major authors, entire genres, and important texts, while shorter entries provide valuable contextual information through their coverage of significant kings, religious leaders, artists, historical events, and other topics. Each of the more than 420 entries includes a brief bibliography, and the volume closes with a list of general works for further reading." (publisher)
- Oxford Bibliographies: Medieval StudiesOffers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on European and Mediterranean civilization from the 4th to the 15th centuries. Bibliographies are browseable by subject area and keyword searchable. Contains a "My OBO" function that allows users to create personalized bibliographies of individual citations from different bibliographies.
- Dictionary of the Middle AgesCall Number: Olin Reference D 114 D55+Publication Date: 1982-198913 volumes. Articles cover roughly the years 500-1500 A.D. in the lands of the Latin West, the Slavic world, Asia Minor, the lands of the Caliphate in the East, and the Muslim-Christian areas of North Africa. Some entries are only of definition length (e.g. Avignon), but others are more historical and lengthy (e.g. Byzantine Empire, Constantine I, Arms and Armor). Bibliographies are mostly in English.
- Oxford Dictionary of the Middle AgesCovers key aspects of European history, society, religion, and culture from circa 500 CE to circa 1500 CE.
- Oxford Encyclopedia of British LiteratureCall Number: Print copy: Olin Reference PR19 O95 2006Publication Date: 2006"Covers the entire history of British literature from the seventh century to the present, focusing on the writers and the major texts of what are now the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. In five hundred substantial essays written by major scholars, the Encyclopedia of British Literature includes biographies of nearly four hundred individual authors and a hundred topical essays with detailed analyses of particular themes, movements, genres, and institutions whose impact upon the writing or the reading of literature was significant." Table of contents.
- Encyclopedia of the GothicCall Number: Print copy: Olin Reference PN3435 E56 2013+Publication Date: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013Features a series of newly-commissioned essays from experts in Gothic studies that cover all aspects of the Gothic as it is currently taught and researched, along with the development of the genre and its impact on contemporary culture. Provides comprehensive coverage of relevant authors, national traditions, critical developments, and notable texts that define, shape, and inform the genre. Extends beyond a purely literary analysis to explore Gothic elements of film, music, drama, art, and architecture.