Some Basic Language and Literature Research Tools

English Language

Oxford English Dictionary.
The OED presents the words that have formed the English vocabulary from the time of the earliest records down to the present day, with all the relevant facts concerning their form, sense-history, pronunciation, and etymology. It embraces not only the standard language of literature and conversation, but also the main technical vocabulary, and a large measure of dialectical usage and slang. Second edition available in print in Olin Reference PE1625 M98 1989

Literary Criticism & Terminology

Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism
A full-text searchable database of articles on individual critics and theorists, critical and theoretical schools and movements, and the critical and theoretical innovations of specific countries and historical periods. Each entry includes a selective primary and secondary bibliography. Paper edition (2005) in Olin Reference: Olin Reference PN81 J554 2005 +

Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms
Includes "coverage of traditional drama, versification, rhetoric, and literary history, as well as updated and extended advice on recommended further reading and a pronunciation guide to more than 200 terms."

Some Basic Jane Austen Resources Online

British Literature & History