Subject Encyclopedias

Olin Library Reference Collection  Subject encyclopedias are great for:
  1. choosing a topic
  2. educating yourself quickly
  3. perspective on a topic
  4. variant spellings, vocabulary, terminology
  5. bibliography

Reference Sources for Literature

Reference Sources in Other Disciplines

Use authoritative dictionaries and reference sources.

Wikipedia might be a handy tool in some cases, but it's not what your professors would call a reliable or authoritative reference source. The library resources listed below provide access to scholarly information on a range of subjects. Use the Library Subject Guides to find many more.

Multidisciplinary Reference Sources

Reference Sources for Science Fiction

This is just a small selection. Be sure to check our Science Fiction & Fantasy subject guide for much more.

How to Read Citations

Learning how to interpret citations you find in scholarly books and articles is a critical research skill and essential to efficiently finding the material you need for your assignments. Watch this video to learn how.