Subject Encyclopedias

Olin Library Reference Collection  Subject encyclopedias are great for:
  1. choosing a topic
  2. educating yourself quickly
  3. perspective on a topic
  4. variant spellings, vocabulary, terminology
  5. bibliography

Reference Sources on Literature

Don't pay for stuff!

Never pay for an article or book or access to resources.

In most cases (except for textbooks), the Cornell Library has online journals, newspapers, magazines, ebooks and print books, or can get them for you at no charge to you! Access Anywhere can help you find it at Cornell, or Ask a Librarian.

Periodical Articles and Databases

The Articles & Full Text feature on the main Library web page allows you to perform simple searches across multiple databases. Because the various databases are structured differently, search results may vary widely. For more precise searching, it's best to search the databases individually. Choosing Databases will display a listing by subject area. The selected resources listed on this page may be especially relevant to the content of this course.

Periodical Databases

Primary Sources (Print publications)