Useful Tips
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- Tip 2: Look to see if the catalog record has a summary or table of contents of the book and is available in other editions.
- Tip 3: If a record says networked resource it is usually available online.
- Tip 4: When doing keyword searching, try combining keywords/phrases. Be aware of the differences between broad and narrower, search:
Selected Books @ Cornell
Understanding the Crisis in Darfur: Listening to Sudanese Voices by
Call Number: Africana Library DT159.6.D27 U53 2006The major aim of this book is to look into the conflict that is taking place in the Sudan, and to bring attention to the “humanitarian disaster” that as resulted from this crisis. The book is divided into two parts. The first part consists of essays by Sudanese academics in which that bring light on the situation in Darfur. Papers are presented by Abdel Ghaffar, M. Ahmed, Musa Adam Abdel-Jalil, Atta El-Battahani and Mustafa Babiker. The second part offers discussions that took place at a meeting held in Addis Abeba, July 25 and 26, 2005.Not on Our Watch: The Mission to End Genocide in Dafur and Beyond by
Call Number: Africana Library DT159.6.D27 C44 2007Academy award winning actor Don Cheadle and activist John Predergast, senior advisor to the International Crisis Group, and former official in the Bill Clinton White House, provides a narrative on their experiences visiting Darfur, Northern Uganda, and Chad. They were able to get testimonies from Darfurian refugees in which they were told how the Sudanese Army and the Janjaweed militias targeted Darfurians for extermination. In addition, they also reported on mass killings, and mass destruction of villages where signs of life was not present.Growing Up in Darfur, Sudan by
Call Number: Africana Library DT159.6.D27 T86 2007This book offers a first hand account of what the title implies, “growing up in Darfur.” The author of the book Abdullahi Osman El-Tom, was born in Broosh, Dafur in 1954. El-Tom offers the reader a view of Darfur before the current crisis. He writes about the interaction he had with family, community members and friends. What it was like to go to school, and practice his religion, Islam. However towards the end of the book he paints a far different picture of war and destruction.The Translator: A Tribesman’s Memoir of Darfur by
Call Number: Africana Library DT159.6.D27 H38 2008This book provides a first hand account of life in Darfur by a native of Darfur, who escaped the attack on his village, and ended up in refugee camps in Chad where he served as a translator for western media outlets like The New York Times, NBC, and the BBC, as well as the United Nations and other aid groups. One of his aims was to inform the world the genocide that was taking place in Darfur.Darfur Diaries: Stories of Survival by
Call Number: Africana Library DT159.6.D27 M37 2006A team of three western film makers traveled to Darfurian refugee camps in eastern Chad, and across the border into Darfur to capture the first hand accounts of Darfurians who had been displaced.