Dance Call Number Ranges and Subject Headings

In addition to the guidance that follows, see the music research guide for information about call numbers and subject headings for books, since many books that are primarily about music also contain discussions of dance.

Most books and periodicals about dance are classified between GV1580 and GV1799.4 using Library of Congress Classification.

Browse books by call number on the shelves in the library or in the library catalog. Also use the library catalog to explore subject headings.

The first part of the call number corresponds to the subject of the book. For example, a book about tap dancing will have:

Tap dancing (first part of subject heading) 

GV 1794 (first part of call number)

GV 1580: Dance periodicals
GV 1585: Dictionaries, encyclopedias
GV 1587: Terminology, abbreviations, notations
GV 1587.5: Directories
GV 1588: Philosophy and theory
GV 1589: Study and teaching
GV 1590-94: General overview of dance
GV 1595: Special aspects of the subject
GV 1596: Pictorial works
GV 1596.5: Juvenile works
GV 1597: Dancing as a profession
GV 1600-1620: Dance criticism, appreciation, history
GV 1621-1728: Dance criticism, appreciation, history, by geographical region (examples: GV 1623 for United States; GV 1626 for Latin America)
GV 1735: Apparatus and equipment
GV 1740-41: Ethics; Dancing and the church
GV 1743: National dances. Folk dances (general)
GV 1746-1771: Social dancing. Ballroom dancing
GV 1781-1795: Theatrical dancing
GV 1782.5: Choreography
GV 1783: Modern or expressionistic dancing
GV 1783.5: Religious dance
GV 1784: Jazz dance
GV 1785: Biography (examples: GV 1785 .D8 for Isadora Duncan; GV 1785 .D82 for Katherine Dunham)
GV 1785.8-1786: Dance groups or companies
GV 1787-1790: Ballet
GV 1793: Clog dancing
GV 1794: Tap dancing
GV 1796 .A-Z: other dances, alphabetical by dance name (examples: GV 1796 .S245 for salsa; GV 1796 .T3 for tango)
GV 1798: Gymnastic dancing; rhythmic exercise
GV 1799: Dances for special classes of persons

Dance by Country or Region -- United States (Example)

Dance by Country or Region -- Latin America (Example)

Dance by Country or Region -- Caribbean Area (Example)

Dance Biography (Example)

Dance Forms (Example)