Entrepreneurship at Cornell Email List
Follow this link to join the Entrepreneurship at Cornell email list: https://eship.cornell.edu/listserv/
- Wall Street Journal - Cornell students, faculty, and staff should create an account with your Cornell email address. Mobile apps are available to use in conjunction with your account.
- Financial Times - Cornell students, faculty, and staff should create an account with your Cornell email address. Mobile apps are available to use in conjunction with your account.
- New York Times - Access articles from the New York Times via Factiva. L.L.M students please contact the Law Library for separate instructions.
- Bloomberg BusinessWeek - Email us if you are looking for a new article that is not yet available.
- Library PressDisplay provides online access to more than 700 newspapers from more than 55 countries, displayed in their original format and accessible by country, language, or title.
Additional News Databases
- Business Source Complete - Full text articles for top scholarly business journals and other sources. >1,800 peer-reviewed publications. Includes the Harvard Business Review, Euromonitor, and Datamonitor.
- Factiva - Full-text online service for international news and business information. Covers over 28,000 sources in 23 languages in more than 150 countries. Some company and market research is included. Includes full-text coverage of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.
Articles and Blogs
Here are a few additional resources for keeping up to date or learning more about the tech industry. Some may require an individual subscription for additional content.
- The Information
Articles covering the technology industry. Requires a subscription.
- Masters of Scale
Podcast hosted by Reid Hoffman covering company growth.
- Stratechery
Articles and podcasts analyzing the strategy and business side of technology and media, and the impact of technology on society.
- Techmeme
Aggregates articles on tech.
- Wired
Articles covering technology, business, and culture.
- Recode
Tech and business news.
- TechCrunch
Site dedicated to technology including start-ups, new products, and tech news.
- Not Impossible
Example of emerging tech site; great for idea generation.
Targets CIOs and other IT leaders providing insight on tech trends and IT's role in achieving business goals.
- FT.com Technology Companies
Financial Times articles covering the tech space. Get your FT.com account using your Cornell email address (must first register using Cornell Univeristy Library's website instructions)
- NY Times Bits
Tech articles from NYTimes.