Reference Sources for Literature & Philosophy
- Stanford Encyclopedia of PhilosophyPublication Date: Stanford University, 1997-dateIncludes refereed entries on philosophical topics by accomplished scholars in their fields. Updated regularly.
- Routledge Encyclopedia of PhilosophyCall Number: Print: Olin Reference B51 .R68 1998Comprehensive resource on philosophy and related disciplines, including more than 2,700 articles on topics from Medieval philosophy to Postmodernism, and from Aesthetics to Philosophy of biology. Online version regularly updated.
- Oxford Bibliographies Online: PhilosophyProvides scholarly annotated bibliographies to major topics in philosophy, compiled by noted scholars in the field.
- Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural TheoryCall Number: Print copy: Olin Reference PN 81 E435 2011Publication Date: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011Arranged in three volumes covering Literary Theory from 1900 to 1966, Literary Theory from 1966 to the present, and Cultural Theory, this encyclopedia provides accessible entries on the important concepts, theorists and trends in post-1900 literary and cultural theory.
Reference Sources on Race, Gender, Social Theory
- International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral SciencesCall Number: Olin Reference H41 .I58x 2001+Publication Date: 2001Authoritative scholarly encyclopedia encompassing 26 volumes.
- SAGE Handbook of MarxismPublication Date: Sage, 2022Covers the main currents for Marxist theory and showcases interventions that set the agenda for Marxist research in the 21st century. Contains a contributions from contemporary academics, writers and theorists from around the world and across disciplines.
- Encyclopedia of Gender and SocietyCall Number: Print copy: Olin Reference HQ1115 E54 2009+Publication Date: Sage, 20092 volumes; Focuses on significant gender scholarship within commonly recognized areas of social research.
- Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and SocietyPublication Date: 2008Covers important topics, events, and persons relevant to race and ethicity in society. Also addresses other issues of inequality that intersect with race and ethnicity, including ability status, age, class, gender, and sexual orientation.
- Encyclopedia of Race and RacismCall Number: Print copy: Olin Library Reference E184.A1 E584 2013 (also online)Publication Date: 20133 vols. Examines the anthropological, sociological, historical, economic, and scientific theories of race and racism in the modern era. Delves into the historic origins of ideas of race and racism and explores their social and scientific consequences. Some of the nearly 400 articles address broad theoretical topics that have helped to shape modern ideas about race and racism; others address more specific subjects in the larger fields.