Citation Management
The Cornell Library provides support and instruction for four citation management programs: Endnote, Zotero and Mendeley. All but Endnote are free to use. We strongly advise students to find a program they like and use it--the few hours spent learning a program will pay off exponentially in time saved organizing your references and formatting your thesis.
For this class, we will be focusing on Zotero (, which we feel is an excellent program and fairly easy to use. You'll find an excellent Cornell Library guide to Zotero at
If later you decide you'd like to move to another program like Mendeley or Endnote, it is fairly easy to do so.
If you have any questions, drop us a line via the form on this page:
Citation Formats
Looking for what Citation Format to use? It will depend on your discipline and if there is a preferred format. APA is a good standard to use if you aren't sure. The Purdue OWL program is a good source for up-to-date citation formats.