Selected Databases in Science and Engineering
These are databases that index peer-reviewed journals, technical reports and conference proceedings in science and technology. Each one has a different focus.
For a complete list of databases, see Library Databases.
- AGRICOLAProduced by the National Agricultural Library, AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) covers 1970 to present.
- BIOSISCovers original research articles and reviews in biological and biomedical areas.
- Engineering Village 2Comprehensive database for engineering and physics from 1969 to date.
- Google ScholarGoogle Scholar provides a way to search across all disciplines for scholarly literature, be it articles, books, theses, or preprints.
- SciFinder-nTop database for the chemistry literature, including patents.
- ScopusScopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
- Web of ScienceWeb of Science Core Collection provides access citation databases in all subjects, with coverage from 1900 to the present. Find highly cited articles and key authors and journals on your topic/field.
E-Book Libraries
- AccessEngineeringOver 1,600 engineering e-books, including Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook and Schaum's Outlines. Includes online tutorials and DataVis, a tool that allows one to compare properties of hundreds of materials.
- AccessScience from McGraw-HillScience and technology encyclopedia by McGraw-Hill. Besides articles includes biographies of well-known scientists, animations, videos, and curriculum maps.
- KnovelKnovel features 2,000 reference ebooks in all fields of engineering. Includes interactive tables, equation plotters, graph digitizers, and ability to export to Excel spreadsheets. Large database of materials property data.
- SpringerLinkProvides access to over 65,000 ebooks from 1842 to the present. Also includes journals, book series, eReferences, and Protocols.
- Wiley Online LibraryProvides full text access to journals, reference works, books, and databases published by Wiley in all the science disciplines.
Search the following databases for patents, or here for a more detailed Patent Libguide.
- Google Patent SearchIncludes full text U.S. patents (including drawings) from 1790 to the present, plus 1978 forward for the European Patent Office (EPO), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
- LensFormerly Patent Lens, The Lens contains 141 million patents from 90+ countries. Also points to relevant scholarly literature.
- Trademark DatabaseFrom the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Includes the full bibliographic text of pending and registered trademarks.