Citation Formats
Looking for what Citation Format to use?
Ask your advisor if there is a preferred format or consult this list of citation styles.
APA and MLA are good standards to use if you aren't sure which style is required.
Citing Government Documents
Often you will need to cite a document or report published by the government. The report or dataset will likely lack key pieces of information, such as an author. Here is more information on citing government documents, and examples in MLA and APA.
How and Why to Cite
This Citation Styles Library Guide produced by Michael Engle provides information on how and when to cite sources in your paper.
Citation Management
The Cornell Library provides support and instruction for three citation management programs: Endnote, Zotero and Mendeley. All but Endnote are free to use. We strongly advise students to find a program they like and use it -- the few hours spent learning a program will pay off exponentially in time saved organizing your references and formatting your thesis.
Mann offers workshops on each of these programs every semester. For more information and the current schedule, see the Mann Workshop page. If you have citation management questions, use the form on this citation help page.
- EndnoteStudents outside of CALS must purchase the software.
- Endnote for CALS studentsCALS has a license that makes Endnote available for download to enrolled students.