US Law & Government
- Department of Labor Disability ResourcesSeveral U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) agencies assist people with disabilities in seeking meaningful work and succeeding once on the job. DOL also advises employers on effective strategies for recruiting and retaining qualified people with disabilities, as well as educates federal agencies and federal contractors and sub-contractors about their obligations related to affirmative action and nondiscrimination in hiring.
- Office of Disability Employment PolicyThe Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) is the only non-regulatory federal agency that promotes policies and coordinates with employers and all levels of government to increase workplace success for people with disabilities.
- Disability Discrimination (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)EEOC's main page for disability information. The EEOC is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.
- National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation ResearchThe National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research provides leadership and support for a comprehensive program of research related to the rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities. All of our programmatic efforts are aimed at improving the lives of individuals with disabilities from birth through adulthood.
- JAN: Americans with Disabilities Act LinksThis site, provided bythe Job Accommodation Network, contains links to the ADAlaw, technical assistance manuals, accessibility guidelines, and other ADA sites.
- ABA: Commission on Disability RightsFrom the American Bar Association's Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law, this site provides referrals to lawyers that practice disability law, commission news, disability law publications and resources, in addition to the Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter which covers legislation, Supreme Court decisions, and case law developments.
- Cornell Law School: Cornell Legal Information Institute: Disability LawThis site provides a comprehensive starting point for disability law. It contains overviews of the law and links to federal and state laws, regulations, and judicial decisions in disability legal issues.
- Disability laws from FEDLAWThis site is a good starting point for all Federal legal research. Choose "Federal Laws and Regulations by subject category" to look at specific employment and labor laws, regulations, and other documents. Also includes links for Federal judiciary, Legislative Branch, Arbitration and Mediation, General Research and reference. The site provides a large number of links to disability law and legislation as well as links to other disability issues and government programs.
- Congressional Research Service (CRS) ReportsCongressional Research Service (CRS) reports provide Congress with both anticipatory and on-demand research and analysis to support their legislative, oversight, and representational duties. All reports adhere to the core values of CRS; they are authoritative, objective and nonpartisan. Reports range in length from several pages to more than one-hundred pages and cover the full breadth of topics of interest to Congress. This collection provides the public with access to recent research products produced by the CRS. CRS reports are timely, objective, and authoritative research and analysis for committees and Members of both the House and Senate, regardless of political party affiliation.
- Labor & Employment Practice Center (Bloomberg Law)Click on the "Disabilities Law" tab near the top, left-hand of the page