The Best Patent Web Sites
There is a lot of technical information only available in the patent literature. These databases lead you to published patents from many countries.
- Google PatentsFastest place to go for all U.S. patents and some U.S. patent applications. Contains descriptions and images in PDF and HTML.
- European Patent Office - esp@cenetEsp@cenet contains European patents, World patents, and patent applications. Ability to search patents by origin country (i.e. CN for China). Downloadable and printable in PDF.
- SciFinder-nSciFinder-n (Cornell subscription): comprehensive coverage of literature in chemistry and related fields, including articles, patents, characterized chemicals, chemical reactions, and commercial sources. (Register first, use your Cornell email)
- The Lens (previously Patent Lens)Search patents and scholarly works
- Copyright at CornellCopyright policies, resources, and services at Cornell
Engineering Librarian

Jill Powell
103E Carpenter Hall
Engineering Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Engineering Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Subjects: Engineering