Scholarly Articles
- Georgetown Immigration Law JournalPublished since 1985.
- Immigration and Nationality Law ReviewPrimarily reprints articles from other legal and nonlegal journals.
- Index to Legal Periodicals & BooksCitations to articles from over 600 legal journals, yearbooks, institutes, bar association organs, law reviews, and government publications originating in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Includes book reviews. Covers 1982 to date.
- Cornell Law Library's Journals and IndexesLinks to electronic collections of journal articles and indexes provided by Cornell Law Library to members of its community.
Treatises and Practice Guides
These sources provide background for researching immigration, summarize and cite primary immigration law, and provide narrative explanations of immigration law. Cornell Law Library holds these resources in print where a call number is given (click on the title to link to our catalog record). Many are also available on or Westlaw. While links to the sources on and Westlaw are provided, please note that and Westlaw passwords are required for access.
- Immigration Law and Procedure byCall Number: KF4815 .G66 1988 (Law Library Reserve)Includes detailed and thorough analysis of law, as well as text of immigration-related statutes, regulations, and procedural manuals. Request at Law Library Circulation Desk. Also available on Lexis.
- Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook byCall Number: KF4819.3 .K96 (Law Library Reserve)Publication Date: 2014/15Detailed outline of law. Extensive appendices include naturalization charts and a tax treatise.
Immigration Law by
Call Number: KF4819 .G46x 2011 (Law Library)Publication Date: 2012Concise summary of laws, regulations, and sources; many tables summarizing immigration classifications and other information.Understanding Immigration Law by
ISBN: 0769881963Publication Date: 2015Overview of immigration law for students, with citations to primary law and scholarly work. Request at Law Library circulation desk.U. S. Immigration: A Reference Handbook by
Call Number: JV6483 .L46x 2004 (Olin Library)ISBN: 1851095438Publication Date: 2003Guide to U.S. immigration policy since 1965.
- Ninth Circuit Immigration OutlineSynthesis of "procedural and substantive principles relating to immigration law in the Ninth Circuit", prepared by Ninth Circuit staff attorneys.
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