
Originally created by Peter Hirtle, this guide is maintained by Michael Engle, Reference Librarian, Olin Library. Dates of coverage, particularly on the Regions and Subjects page, may not be accurate in some cases. Access the source to find the latest date coverage for the news titles linked in this guide.

Current News Sources

For help in locating contemporary (i.e., post-1995) newspapers at Cornell, see A Guide to News Research: Where to Find News Articles.

About American Historical Newspapers

The first newspaper in the United States was printed in 1690. Since then, newspapers have been an important source of information about American events.

Because of their value, many newspapers are now available in digital form. This usually involves scanning either the paper originals or microfilm copies and making those scanned copies accessible. (Access to contemporary newspapers is usually via the electronic files used to create the newspapers and/or web sites.)

Some newspapers listed here may be available to the current issue, but the emphasis is on titles prior to 1995.

Rachel Leow, a graduate student in Malaysian history at Cambridge University (posted on June 16, 2009), has some good general suggestions on working with newspapers as historical sources.

Other Information Sources