Course Syllabus

Course Description:

What is the significance of care, love, and community to Black feminists? How does love relate to
social justice? What are barriers to accessing care? Why care for ourselves, for each other? In this
course, we will practice reading and responding to essays, poetry, fiction, as well as some visual and
sonic media written by Black feminists that address these questions. Together, we will review a
diverse set of narratives that represent how some of these writers/artists understand the nature of
care, love, and/or community. We will look at these themes as they relate to the self, chosen and
given family, and solidarities in broader society. Ultimately, this course is designed to equip you for
collegiate-level writing, providing you with skills to draw upon as you progress in your
undergraduate career and beyond.

ENGL 1160 Recommended Encyclopedias

Encyclopedias are great for choosing a topic; educating yourself quickly; perspective on a topic; variant spellings, vocabulary, terminology; and bibliography.

ENGL 1160 Recommended Encyclopedias