Citing Images

When you're writing about an image or multimedia piece in a paper or presentation, you should provide the following pieces of information in the caption and in the bibliography...if you have a list of works of art cited:

  • creator(s)
  • title
  • year(s) of creation
  • materials or format
  • current owner (such as a museum or private owner), if applicable
  • address of the Web site where you found it

Refer to Chicago Manual Style 17th ed. 14.235: Citing paintings, photographs, and sculpture. It calls for: artist, title in italics, date of creation or completion, then medium and current location of the work. For works consulted online, add URL.

That's for the first time you mention it; just the creator and title thereafter.

Chicago Style Citations

A print copy of the Chicago Manual of Style 18 is on its way, but please use the CMOS 17 until it arrives:

Managing Information

Use citation management/PDF organizing software to save time and energy when organizing and citing research materials. 

The library has compiled a list of citation management tools, including Zotero and ZoteroBib. For advice choosing a citation manager or managing information, contact us for a consultation!

​Zotero is a free, open sourced, web-based tool for managing citation, organizing PDF's and creating bibliographies. It is a downloadable software program designed for humanities and social sciences research. The Library offers workshops to teach you how to use it. If there are no upcoming workshops, request a consultation using the link above.

ZoteroBib is a free, quick and easy online bibliography and citation maker that saves time and trouble. Add sources using the ZoteroBib search box. Then copy and paste the complete bibliography (or footnotes or in-text citations) into your paper in the citation style of your choice. (As great as ZoteroBib is, it isn't perfect. Check your citations carefully using citation style guides or ask a librarian for assistance.)


Image: Wrought iron torch holder or horse tether from the Strozzi Palace, photograph by the Fratelli Alinari from the A. D. White Architectural Photographs Collection, Cornell University Library

Fratelli Alinari. Wrought iron torch holder or horse tether from the Strozzi Palace, ca. 1865-1885.
Sculptor: Niccolò Grosso Caparra (Italian, active ca.1500)
Architect: Simone del Pollaiolo
Architect: Benedetto da Maiano (Italian, 1442-1497)
Building Date: 1498-ca. 1550
Photograph date: ca. 1865-ca. 1885
A. D. White Architectural Photographs, Cornell University Library