Searching the Catalog

The catalog has features like the ability to easily break down your search results by record type (book, dissertation, sound recording, etc) and to link to the Worldcat catalog which searches the collections of libraries all across the country.

Need to find a specific book? See the tutorial!

Search bar for the library catalog from the library homepage

Keywords and Subject Headings

Subject headings are pre-defined 'controlled vocabulary' words used to describe the topic content of a resource. They are added by library and publishing staff to help researchers identify resources on the same subject.

Screenshot of a book in the catalog with the Subject Headings circled in green with a green arrow pointed towards them to highlight

Searching with subject headings: the search function/database will look for the subject only in the subject or descriptor fields so results are usually very relevant to the topic. However, you will need to do some preliminary searches to determine which subject headings are relevant for your topic.

Keywords are natural language words - essentially, the words or phrases you would type into a search engine.

Searching with keywords: can offer more flexibility, as you can combine the words and phrases as you choose, However, the search function/database will search for the keywords anywhere in the resource/record, so they may yield overwhelming or irrelevant results.

Examples from our collection