Statistics and Data for Latin America
See the tab on this research guide which highlights statistical sources specific to Latin America.
Statistical Resources
- CEIC Data ManagerCEIC Data contains economic, industrial and financial time-series data. Our Global Database offers unprecedented coverage of 221 countries in Asia, Europe and Central Asia, Middle East, Africa and the Americas. EIC also offers 18 macro-economic concepts, and 1,400,000 time series. Data comes from analysts on the ground and the prime national and regional statistical agencies and major industrial data issuing organizations of each country covered. The CEIC Data Manager provides access to the entire CEIC database from within the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet application. Times-series can be directly retrieved from the database and imported into Excel for quick analysis.
- (Economic Intelligence Unit)Follow the link to EIU Viewpoint. Provides economic data and in-depth reports on nearly 200 countries, world areas, regions and organizations.
- EurostatEurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. It provides the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.
- ILOSTATThe ILO's database of statistics, contains over 100 indicators covering more than 230 countries and economies. The Yearly indicators dataset contains standardized indicators for purposes of greater comparability across countries and relies heavily on the official submission of data by national authorities. The Short term indicators dataset contains monthly, quarterly and semi-annual data drawn from official websites of national authorities and is updated on a monthly basis. Additional data and tools are available from the site. This database replaces LABORSTA.
- International Statistical AgenciesComprehensive list by country, compiled by the U. S. Census Bureau. NOTE: Scroll to bottom of web page for the list.
- OECD Statistics (OECD.Stat)OECD.Stat is the statistical online platform of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development where users can search and access OECD's statistical databases. Build tables, download data, and view methodology and sources. Browse by theme or country or search for data.
- UNdataSearch and download a variety of statistical resources compiled by the United Nations (UN) statistical system and other international agencies. The numerous databases or tables collectively known as "datamarts" contain over 60 million data points and cover a wide range of statistical themes including agriculture, crime, communication, development assistance, education, energy, environment, finance, gender, health, labour market, manufacturing, national accounts, population and migration, science and technology, tourism, transport and trade.