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JAbbr: About


What is this JAbbr?

JAbbr is an online tool that helps decipher journal title abbreviations. (It also works for conference proceedings and other serial publications.)

How does JAbbr work?

Given an abbreviation, JAbbr tests it against a list of serial titles extracted from the library catalog, and uses fuzzy matching to return a list of possible matches.

Why can't I find a title for my abbreviation?

JAbbr currently uses data extracted from the Cornell University Library catalog. If Cornell doesn't have a particular journal, then JAbbr won't find it.

Who created JAbbr?

JAbbr was developed by Keith Jenkins, a librarian at Cornell University's Mann Library. Many thanks go to other Cornell librarians and staff who have tested JAbbr, provided feedback, and suggested improvements.

Where can I learn more about JAbbr?

See "Deciphering Journal Abbreviations with JAbbr" by Keith Jenkins, in issue 7 of the Code4Lib Journal (2009-06-26).