Account Registration
How to register for an account on Bloomberg Law (BLAW):
- To access Bloomberg Law, go to the library catalog. On the catalog page, make sure you click the link for "Off-campus users" to be brought directly to the registration page.
- Fill in your information, making sure you use your Cornell email address when signing up and select Cornell University ILR School as your institution.
- After you submit Bloomberg will confirm your status as a Cornell student and send you an email to set up your username and password.
How to register for an account on LexisNexis (Lexis+):
- Before you can register for a LexisNexis account you must email the ILR Reference Department to receive an activation code. Please do not share this code with anyone.
- Once you have the code, go to LexisNexis Registration and enter your name, Cornell email address, and the registration code provided to you.
- This will create a temporary ID and password for you to register and then create your own custom ID and password.
- To login after you have registered, go to:
Note: Any Cornell student can make a Nexis Uni account for LexisNexis, however Lexis+ (Lexis Plus) is limited to the ILR School and Law School. If you're not a part of the ILR School and would like to create a Nexis Uni account go to the Nexis Uni catalog page, click the link, and click "Sign In/Register" on the top of the page. You can sign in as a guest or Create an Account, make sure you still use your Cornell email when registering.