Account Registration

How to register for an account on Bloomberg Law (BLAW):

  1. To access Bloomberg Law, go to the library catalog. On the catalog page, make sure you click the link for "Off-campus users" to be brought directly to the registration page.
  2.  Fill in your information, making sure you use your Cornell email address when signing up and select Cornell University ILR School as your institution.
  3. After you submit Bloomberg will confirm your status as a Cornell student and send you an email to set up your username and password.

How to register for an account on LexisNexis (Lexis+):

  1. Before you can register for a LexisNexis account you must email the ILR Reference Department to receive an activation code. Please do not share this code with anyone.
  2. Once you have the code, go to LexisNexis Registration and enter your name, Cornell email address, and the registration code provided to you.
  3. This will create a temporary ID and password for you to register and then create your own custom ID and password.
  4. To login after you have registered, go to:

Note: Any Cornell student can make a Nexis Uni account for LexisNexis, however Lexis+ (Lexis Plus) is limited to the ILR School and Law School. If you're not a part of the ILR School and would like to create a Nexis Uni account go to the Nexis Uni catalog page, click the link, and click "Sign In/Register" on the top of the page. You can sign in as a guest or Create an Account, make sure you still use your Cornell email when registering.