Useful Tips
Give credit where credit is due. By properly citing the sources you use in your research projects you are both identifying the resources that you used to complete your work and you are formally acknowledging the authors or creators of those resources.
Please read the Cornell University Code of Academic Integrity.
What is Passkey?
Passkey is a bookmarklet (Firefox and IE) that lets you quickly authenticate as a CU person when you're off-campus. This allows you to access databases.
In firefox, drag the icon to your bookmarks toolbar or right-click and bookmark this location. Control-click (mac users)
In Internet Explorer, right-click the icon, add to favorites
The next time you're off-campus and a publisher asks you to log-in, click the Passkey. You'll be prompted for your CU NetID, and that's it!
Details are at CUL Labs (Cool Tools)
Citation Style
The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition by
Publication Date: 2017-09-05The seventeenth and latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style is a comprehensive guide to writing and publishing with sections dedicated to non-English languages, grammar, and bibliographical references.
CMS: Purdue Online Writing Lab - Provides an overview and basic examples by format primarily focusing on the notes-bibliography system
CMS Online - Full text of the print guide is available in electronic format allowing for quick searching and easy access (15th edition also available)
MLA Handbook by
Publication Date: 2021-04-22The ninth, and current edition of the MLA Handbook focuses on the core principles of citation and provides select examples by format in addition to writing mechanics.
MLA: Purdue Online Writing Lab - Useful information regarding MLA citation style, includes examples
MLA Style Center Website - Contains brief overview of citation format, includes examples, citation elements template and helpful tips
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association by
ISBN: 1433805618Publication Date: 2009-07-15The sixth edition of the APA Publication Manual includes detailed examples of citation formats in addition to sections on the mechanics of writing, publication process and the use of tables and figures.
APA: Purdue Online Writing Lab - Provides detailed descriptions and examples of citation style by format, figures/tables, footnotes and endnotes and sample papers
APA Blog - APA Published Blog is authored by a group of style experts to explain the answers to frequently asked questions or delve into citation minutia
Manage Sources
Zotero is a free, open source, web-based tool for managing citations, organizing pdfs, and creating bibliographies.
Ask your questions in person, by phone, by e-mail, text, IM or chat.
Reference Desk Directory
Olin Library Reference phone number: 255-4144
Olin & Uris Libraries Reference e-mail address:
Request a Research Consultation This is a one-on-one meeting with a librarian to work through the research strategy and sources for a particular topic such as a thesis. Typically lasts at least one hour.