Data Resources
Find geospatial data from selected repositories and websites like Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository (CUGIR), Geolode,, and EarthChem. At CUGIR, for example, you can find geospatial data and metadata for New York State, with special emphasis on natural features relevant to agriculture, ecology, natural resources, and human-environment interactions.
For more information and help, go to GIS: Geographic Information Systems guide.
- EarthChemCollection of user-submitted, peer-reviewed literature data.
- GeolodeA collaborative geospatial open data websites around the world, searchable and browsable by location, topic, and other tags.
- CUGIRThe Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository (CUGIR) provides free and open access to geospatial data created by researchers at Cornell. Allows data downloads as well as WMS and WFS web services for most datasets.
- data.ny.govWhen searching the site, try limiting the results to 'Maps' (under 'view types' on the left), which will limit the results to geospatial datasets that can be directly used with GIS software.
- eCommonsCornell's digital repository for scholarly and artistic work
Research Data Management
- Cornell Data ServicesThe Cornell Data Services is a collaborative, campus-wide organization that assists with creating and implementing data management plans, applying best practices for managing data, and finding data management services at any stage of the research process.
- Cornell Data Services Data Storage FinderInteractive tool to help you find the appropriate options for your data storage needs on Cornell's campus.