
Image: James Stephanoff. Lalla Rookh (detail).

James Stephanoff. Lalla Rookh (detail), 1826. Watercolor and gouache. Yale Center for British Art Collection. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Special exhibit

Image: sheet music cover for Lalla Rookh sheet music, 1817

The Songs of Lalla Rookh Across Space & Time

Special Collections & Archives, Queen's University, Belfast

Useful Tips

Browse footnotes and bibliographies of books, encyclopedias, and articles for information about primary sources.

Search the Library Catalog for primary sources--both unpublished manuscripts and modern editions in print and online, sometimes in translation, of original primary sources. Use keywords such as:

  • sources
  • diaries
  • personal narratives
  • interviews
  • letters
  • correspondence

What is Microfilm?

When you can't find published primary sources, you may be able to get ahold of electronic or microfilm copies

Image: reels of microfilm

Much archival primary source material has been filmed over the years, but using it will take some getting used to.  Ask for help with microfilm, microfiche, or microcards at a reference desk!

Using Microfilm
A sense of what it is and how you use it

Image: microfilm reader

Recommended databases

Electronic resources

This is just a sampling of the many, many primary resources available in electronic form.
Try the "history: primary sources" section of the Cornell library databases list.

Electronic resources: Historical Journal Articles