Cornell Law School Information
- Online Study Aids and CasebooksLinks to Cornell Law Library's subscriptions for online study aids and free casebook access from several publishers. Subscriptions and free access have been expanded with the switch to online instruction.
- 10 Teaching Tips from a Law Student to Law ProfessorsAdvice from a Cornell law student in the ABA's Before the Bar blog about what students expect and hope for in online classrooms. The author, Nathalie Greenfield, originally shared this piece anonymously with Cornell Law School.
Online Learning Advice for Higher Education
- The Learning Strategies Center (Cornell University)Includes Student Guide to Learning Remotely, Student Checklist for Remote Learning Technology, and For Families: How to Support Students’ Remote Learning.
- Guidance for Int'l Students: Getting & Staying Connected to CornellAdvice for Cornell international students as they engage in virtual learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Tips for Success from Experienced Online StudentsAdvice from University of Alabama Birmingham for students suddenly switching to online instruction.
- 21 Study Tips for Online Classes SuccessLearning tips and strategies from online college students in the US, Australia and other countries.
- Adapting to Being an Online StudentFor students going online because of COVID-19, from Illinois Online.
- Tips for Successful Online LearningAdvice from edX, a nonprofit platform for education and learning.
Online Learning Advice for Law Students
- Six Strategies for Successful Online LearningSusan Landrum, Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law
- Online Learning Resources and TipsSteven Foster, Oklahoma City University School of Law
- Train Your Brain to Be Productive at HomeABA for Law Students, Before the Bar Blog
- Online Learning Guidelines in the Wake of COVID-19Brittany L. Raposa, Roger Williams University School of Law
- How Law Students Can Find Success in Online ClassesABA for Law Students, Before the Bar Blog
- A Student Guide to Best Practices in Online ClassroomsSusan Landrum, Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law