Librarian's Corner

Pick two or three key terms that are essential to your topic and enter into advanced search.

Try different phrases,various versions of the term, or less key terms if your search is unsuccessful.

Boolean terms <and, not, or> help to define and focus your search, resulting in targeted academic articles on your topic.

Be patient! It might take multiple attempts to find relevant articles.

Useful Tips

Databases identify and locate articles published in magazines, journals and newspapers. Many databases also index essays, book chapters and monographs.

  • Tip 1: Some of the databases provide full-text coverage of journals.
  • Tip 2: If the database does not provide full-text, use Get it! Cornell or search the library catalog for the journal title (or book title). This will provide you with Cornell's holdings of the journal (in both print and electronic form).
  • Tip 3: For more precise searching use the advance search feature of the chosen database.

Scholar Example

I am interested in investigating how musical improvisation can inform us in how we
perceive, interpret, and interact with different cultures. I draw this question largely from Vijay
Iyer’s “Improvisation, Temporality, and Embodied Experience,”1 where he considers ideas of
cognition as embodied interaction and improvisational music as a quintessentially experiential
process within the contexts of African-American and non-Western musical forms.2 Similarly, I
want to draw from musical examples across history both within the African diaspora and the

Database- Music Index

Search terms- Improvisation & Music & Jazz

Improvisation & Music & Jazz

Improvisation & Music & Hip-Hop

Improvisation & Music & Western Culture

Selected Databases



Africana Specific:


Primary Sources:

Music Specific: