Measuring Your Research Impact

 From Mann Library Libguide, Erin Eldermire

  • Sign up for an ORCID Identifier:  The Open Researcher and Contributor ID is a nonprofit organization which identifies authors by a persistent digital identifier.  The unique number assigned to you will allow publishers and aggregators of scholarly literature to distinguish you from researchers with similar names.  This is a powerful tool in author disambiguation and it takes just a few minutes to sign up. 

ORCID logo

  • Get a ResearchID with Web of Knowledge: Minimize author misidentification by signing up for a Researcher ID. Each member is assigned a unique identifier to enable researchers to manage their publication lists, track their times cited counts and h-index, identify potential collaborators and avoid author misidentification.  Sign up here.
  • Create a Google Scholar Citations Profile:  Google scholar citations allows authors to track citations to their scholarly works and to calculate numerous citation metrics based on Google Scholar citation data.  


Engineering Librarian

Profile Photo
Jill Powell
103E Carpenter Hall
Engineering Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Subjects: Engineering