Useful Tips

Olin Library's Reference Reading Room

Give credit where credit is due. By properly citing the sources you use in your research projects you are both identifying the resources that you used to complete your work and you are formally acknowledging the authors or creators of those resources.

Please read the Cornell University Code of Academic Integrity.

Cite Sources: MLA Citation Style

Cite sources accurately in order to use information ethically and responsibly


Art collection. New York Public Library

Schnarendorf, Laura von., Photographer. Art collection. Librarian at bookshelf with girl, others reading [58th Street Branch] New York Public Library Digital Gallery


Research materialsZoteroBib is a free, quick, and easy bibliography and citation maker that saves time and trouble.

Add sources using the ZoteroBib search box. Then, copy and paste the complete bibliography (or footnotes or in-text citations) into your paper in the citation style of your choice. (Note: As great as ZoteroBib is, it isn't perfect. Check your citations carefully using citation style guides or ask a librarian.)

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