Expanding Your Search Results

Not getting enough? Expand your search results by looking for alternate word endings (aka truncation), breaking your search concepts down, thinking of alternate search terms (including scientific names if applicable) and connecting them with OR, and using the database's features for finding additional references.

Alternate Word Endings and Spellings (Truncation)

Searching for alternate word endings (truncation)

Broaden your search by using * to find words with alternate endings (e.g. sustainab* to find sustainable and sustainability)

Break Your Topic Into Concepts and Think of Alternate Terms or Synonyms

Combining topics with OR and AND

Break your topic into concepts, think of synonyms & use OR (in capital letters so the database knows you don’t mean the word or) to connect them to find results

Separate concepts are connected by AND

And you can add more search fields

Use Database Features to Find Additional References

Web of Science Citation features for finding additional references

 Use Web of Science's uniquely powerful citation features to find additional references.