End of Module 2

You have completed Module 2. Return to your course site and answer the questions under the final Module 2 library assignment. Leave this tutorial window open so that you can refer back to it when needed. If you have any questions or problems related to the tutorial, e-mail your librarians, Camille Andrews: ca92@cornell.edu or Kate Ghezzi-Kopel: kwg37@cornell.edu.

In Module 2, you learned how to:

  • Narrow topic ideas in order to make a manageable and focused research question
  • Find general background information in order to develop ideas for a controversial research question in nutrition
  • Identify concepts and keywords for your research question

You should now have the tools you need to choose a nutrition controversy, find general background information on it, and do a concept map to refine your research question. You will be able to use these skills as the course continues.