Accessing a specific article

In a database, look for full text or Get it! Cornell links

If you're not in a database and just have a citation for an article and you want to see if you have access through the Cornell University Library, there are a number of ways you can check:

  • Search the Cornell Library catalog main search box by journal title. This is the definitive way to see if we have access -- first look up the journal title, then look for whether we have access to the journal during the year that your article of interest was published in.
  • In the Cornell Library catalog, click articles and full text to perform your search.  This method finds most articles that the library has access to.
  • In the Cornell Library catalog, search in the main search box for the article title.  This method finds most articles that the library has access to, except for newspaper articles.
  • In the Cornell Library catalog, click E-Journal Titles and perform your search.  This method only finds online journals.  
  • Google Scholar or Google search for the article title.  This method will allow you to access many text articles via Cornell's subscription while on-campus.  If you're off campus, try using Passkey.