Policy Analysis by
ISBN: 9780205781300Publication Date: 2010-03-01Updated in a new 5th edition, this book lays a strong conceptual foundation to understanding the rationales of and limitations to public policy. It gives practical advice about how to do policy analysis while demonstrating the application of advanced analytical techniques through case study examples. Policy Analysis: Concepts and Practicesis a comprehensive, accessible, and rich introduction to policy analysis for readers in public policy, public administration, and business programs.Evidence-Based Policy by
ISBN: 9781412910590Publication Date: 2006-05-09In this important new book, Ray Pawson examines the recent spread of evidence-based policy making across the Western world. Few major public initiatives are mounted these days in the absence of a sustained attempt to evaluate them. Programmes are tried, tried and tried again and researched, researched and researched again. And yet it is often difficult to know which interventions, and which inquiries, will withstand the test of time. The evident solution, going by the name of evidence-based policy, is to take the longer view.Meaning in Action: Interpretation and Dialogue in Policy Analysis by
ISBN: 9780765617880Publication Date: 2011-05-15This accessible book gives academics, graduate students, and researchers a comprehensive overview of the vast, varied, and often confusing landscape of interpretive policy analysis. It is both theoretically informed and clear and jargon-free as it discusses the specific strengths and weaknesses of different interpretive approaches--all with a practical orientation towards doing policy analysisRoutledge Handbook of Policy Design by
ISBN: 9781351252928Publication Date: 2018-07-17Uniting theoretical bases and advancements in practice, the Routledge Handbook of Policy Design brings together leading experts in the academic field of policy design in a pioneering effort of scholarship. Each chapter provides a multi-topic overview of the state of knowledge on how, why, where or when policies are designed and how such designs can be improved.Public Policy Praxis by
ISBN: 9780367444495Publication Date: 2020-03-03Public administration and policy analysis education have long emphasized tidiness, stages, and rationality, but practitioners frequently must deal with a world where objectivity is buffeted by, repressed by, and sometimes defeated by value conflict. Politics and policy are "messy" and power explains much more about the policy process than does rationality.Public Policy Skills in Action by
ISBN: 9781538100196Publication Date: 2017-05-19In this completely revised edition, Bill Coplin continues to prepare the next generation of leaders to bring their hearts and minds to solving the many problems that we face in the twenty-first century. The book teaches students the essential components for public policy analysis; how to get information from published sources and individuals; how to survey stakeholders; formulate public policy; examine costs and benefits of a policy; develop political strategies; write a briefing paper; among other skills.Applied Policy Research by
ISBN: 9780415805070Publication Date: 2017-06-07Where many textbooks on policy research focus on methodological and statistical theories, leaving students to wonder how they will apply those theories to future policy positions, this innovative textbook takes theories of policy research and puts them into practice, demystifying the subject by translating it into real-world situations in which students can actively engage.Policy Analysis for Educational Leaders by
ISBN: 9780137016006Publication Date: 2012-01-23Methodological in focus and educational in context, Policy Analysis for Educational Leaders: A Step-by-Step Approach presents a guide to the study of educational policy analysis. This text not only discusses and evaluates existing educational policy and relevant literature, but offers a walk through that leads readers through the stages of successful policy analysis while providing the background and foundational knowledge that educational administrators need to understand and implement. This text offers instruction for aspiring school leaders on not only how to understand and study educational policy, but how to do it themselves.Policy Analysis of Structural Reforms in Higher Education by
ISBN: 9783319422367Publication Date: 2016-11-17This book addresses the complex phenomenon in higher education of structural reforms in higher education systems. Across the globe, governments initiate comprehensive reforms of their higher education systems because they want their models to be the best and to excel at what they do. This regularly requires governments to change the higher education landscape to achieve their set objectives. Changes can include merger processes, the introduction of a new sector of higher education or a new type of higher education institution or excellence initiative. This book explores the current understanding of how successful such comprehensive reforms have been through an examination of eleven reform cases in European countries. For each reform, the different phases of the policy process - policy objectives, design, implementation, policy tools and evaluation - are systematically described and analysed to provide an overview of the factors that contribute to the success or failure of the reforms.Policy Analysis with Incredible Certitude by
Publication Date: July 2010.Analyses of public policy regularly express certitude about the consequences of alternative policy choices. Yet policy predictions often are fragile, with conclusions resting on critical unsupported assumptions. Then the certitude of policy analysis is not credible. This paper develops a typology of incredible analytical practices and gives illustrative cases. I call these practices conventional certitudes, dueling certitudes, conflating science and advocacy, and wishful extrapolation. I contrast these practices with my vision for credible policy analysis.