Quick basics:
Zotero In- text Citations (1:38) from McGill University Library
Zotero Footnote Citations (1:57) from McGill University Library
Easily make a standalone bibliography
Zotero and Google Docs
Watch the video (COMING SOON)
Do these activities:
- Make a standalone bibliography:
- In Zotero, highlight all items in a collection
- Right click and choose “create bibliography”
- Choose a citation style, choose bibliography, and set to “copy to clipboard”
- Open Word and paste
- Write a paper using Zotero to insert citations and create a bibliography:
- Insert citations in Word using the Zotero plugin in the citation style of your choice
- Check the citations for accuracy
- Correct any citation mistakes in Zotero (rather than in the document) and use "refresh" in the Word Zotero Plugin
- Change the citation style