Explore and consider DH projects

Choose a project listed on this page. Explore its site and consider:

  • What does the main goal of the site seem to be?
    • Are there any explicit research questions mentioned?
  • What types of digital tools does the project employ?
    • Digital exhibits and archives
    • Databases
    • Data visualizations
    • Maps
    • Network analysis
    • Computational text analysis (distant reading)
  • Do you think the project is effective in its approach to its goal/research question?'

Cornell-based projects

Summer Digital Humanities Graduate Fellowship projects

The Digital CoLab at Olin Library hosts an annual Summer Graduate Fellowship in Digital Humanities (SGFDH). Every year, this program hosts a cohort of eight PhD candidates for a six-week, intensive deep-dive in trainings on digital humanities methodologies. Fellows benefit from the mentorship of Cornell University Library staff and collaborative work sessions. The primary deliverable of the fellowship is a digital project, often in support of the fellows' dissertations.

The following links are just a few examples of final projects from recent Fellows. 

More inspiration

See more inspiring digital humanities projects.